Monthly Archives: August 2017

30% Off All PIIT28 Programs + 28 Day Reset

Use code “THANKYOU30” at checkout for 30% off all programs

The time has arrived for another PIIT28 sale!!! This sale includes the 28-Day Reset and will last until Sept 5th so get it now while the price is still low! Use code “THANKYOU30” at checkout to get 30% off!!

If you’ve been wanting an exercise program that gives results but isn’t so pricey that you have to sell your kidney to be able to afford it, then I highly suggest you try PIIT28. It’s a combination of cardio and Pilates strengthening moves done in quick 45-second intervals. I bought the first program – PIIT28 1.0 – when it was originally released back in 2015 and I LOVED it! At the end of that first month, when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t see much change because my diet was still so poor. HOWEVER, I felt different. I felt stronger and my self-esteem was higher because of all that I had accomplished. Physically, I was stronger and my endurance was much higher than at the beginning of the month.

By the end of 28 days of doing PIIT28 1.0, I had changed and improved in so many ways. I just couldn’t see the physical changes because my daily eating habits consisted of junk, junk, and more junk. If your motivation to continue exercising relies on seeing a physical change in your body and your eating habits need some fine tuning or correction like mine did, then you’ll also want to invest in the 28 Day Reset along with a PIIT28 exercise program. The meals are simple and yummy and there’s also a Vegan version for those who choose that type of eating lifestyle.

If you find your grocery bill increasing with all the different weekly meals (as mine did), I would suggest you stick with a few recipes and use them again and again all week. You end up spending less and don’t need to stock up on a whole bunch of different things that perhaps you’re not used to. Stocking up on all the different types of spices and misc cooking supplies can get a bit daunting and can wear a serious hole in your wallet. I recommend starting small and working into it.

You’ll of course want more information on these programs. After all, I haven’t really said much about them. Here’s where I start recycling posts to make the most of my time. Listed below are links to a more detailed description of PIIT28 as well as my own personal reviews of the first program.

Use code is “THANKYOU30” for 30% off

That’s a lot of links, I know, but it’s an in-depth as you’re going to get without actually buying anything. One month, Cassey Ho tried out a PIIT calendar in place of her POP Pilates calendar. I’d liked to say that everyone loved it, but they didn’t. People seemed to be split down the middle – either they loved it or they hated it. Really, it all depends on what style of exercise you’re into.

If, after all you’ve read here, you’re still not sure, you can always do the freebie PIIT versions on the Blogilates channel (6 Week Body Toning Bootcamp or the PIIT Pilates Intense Interval Training) and you can use that calendar I mentioned (with the 6-week bootcamp anyway) and see how you feel by the end of the month. True, the sale won’t be going on anymore, but you’ll know for later. Cassey doesn’t do sales all that often but she does do them for holidays and such so if you can wait till Thanksgiving or New Years, there will probably be more sales during those times. That’s not a guarantee, that’s a guess based off of past sales.

Transformation Pack includes 28-Day Reset, PIIT28 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0