Monthly Archives: February 2015

Feeling Bored? Do Blogilates!

I’ve been stuck at home for the past week. ARGH! My son was sick with a fever and some vomiting so we left the house as little as possible. Mostly it was a struggle between me not wanting our son to leave the house at all so he could rest as much as possible and my husband wanting to get him out every day for any reason imaginable.

It was difficult with both sides alternately winning and losing.

But now his fever’s gone and I’m sick of being stuck at home so out we went so I could use the internet and he could look for books at the library! Woo! A favorite place for both of us, despite my never getting a call for a part-time job there. Ah well. No hard feelings.

I’m so bored though! Too many hours sitting or laying around listening to Clash of Kings on audiobook. Awesome book, awesome reader, but my ears are about ready to start bleeding. It’s SO long!

So what to do when I’m bored out of my mind but don’t have much motivation to get moving? Do some Blogilates videos of course!

Here’s maybe what I’d do…

I’d start off with some cardio:

Next would be an “easy” full-body workout:

Followed by some standing legs:

And moving up to the arms:

Down to the abs:

Ending with some lovely stretching:

That sounds like a good line-up. Not perfect, of course, but all the videos are pretty short and doable for most people. There are videos that would work the entire body in one go but I like to break things up and change it all around this way.

Dead On My Feet

A couple weeks ago I started a new medication. I’ll be on it long term if things work out but if things don’t work out then it’s not a big deal if I stop using it. The big deal right now is the side effects. I feel dead! And a bit queasy and dizzy most of the day.

Omeprazole gave worse side effects and they went away after a time so I know this is doable. It’s just getting through it that’s the hard part.

funny-pictures-cat-will-nap-hereThis is me, like, every day in the afternoon and evening. I’m wondering if it’s my iron or blood pressure that’s making me so tired and heavy. My motivation to get my exercise in is zilch.

This month is going to be a failure I think. Not an epic failure and not a complete failure but a failure. I’ve skipped whole days of the Beginner’s 2.0 Calendar and the days I’ve done, I skipped some of the videos. When I’m only supposed to do 1-2 videos and skipping 1-2 videos, that’s pretty sad.

I’m healthy, just unbelievably tired. The queasiness and dizziness are getting a bit better I think…I hope.

One thing I refuse to skip no matter how tired I am during the day is the 30-Day Butt Lift Challenge. I’m on target with that at least. And with the weather nicer these days I’m taking walks again. Very short walks to my son’s school and back, but walking is walking and it gets in a mile so that’s something.

I gained some weight in the beginning too and I look like I’m retaining water around my gut but that’s okay. This too shall pass. There are so many things to stress over in my life right now that I’m not going to add this to the list as well.

funny-stress-quote-burn-caloriesNow what could I have to stress about?

  • husband’s job
  • my prospective part-time job
  • agent’s silence when she promised me a reply

It all boils down to waiting waiting waiting. Too much waiting. And it’s all too important. I’m going crazy but I act like I’m not.

funny-pictures-stressBBC crime shows are helping a lot. WOO!

I’m also working on my self-image. So despite knowing that I’m chunkier around the middle, I listen to All About The Bass by Meghan Trainor and enjoy shaking my tush. That’s pretty helpful too.

Oh! And I’ll share a rare Mommy Moment here because it was just too nice not to share it with the world. Every morning I wake my son up by tickling him and buzzing him so he’ll wake up smiling and laughing. Some mornings are harder than others to accomplish this but this morning was pretty easy and then the first words out of his mouth were, “I love you, Mommy!” And then he gave me a hug. Aww! His eyes were still closed and everything. It was so sweet!!!


10-Day Hot Yoga Challenge and Beginner’s 2.0 Calendar

Yay! I finished the 10-Day Hot Yoga Challenge! It wasn’t that hard and there were really only 2 new poses for me. The most difficult one was the double pose of going from Tree to Toe Stand.

I kept falling over when I tried to lift my hands off the floor in Toe Stand. Something about balancing on my toes is a lot harder than balancing on my foot. Can’t understand why. *heavy sarcasm*

My biggest accomplishment was the 1st day with Standing Forehead to Knee.

Day 1 - Standing Forehead to Knee Pose - Right Leg

I had no idea I was that flexible! Woo!

My favorite pose was Camel, not because it’s special or anything but because I’ve done it so many times in the past that I decided to have a little fun this time and look at the camera instead of taking a pic of the pose.

Day 10 - Camel Pose

The rest of the 10 days can be found on my Instagram and Facebook. The tutorial videos from Absolute Yoga Academy were good but I wish the poses they chose had been more difficult or at least more different. These were so normal; the everyday stuff that I might have done in a basic yoga class. It was good practice at least.

As for Blogilates, I’m doing a fabulous job keeping up with Cassey’s Beginner’s 2.0 Calendar and her 30-Day Butt Lift Challenge. I thought about doing the 30-Day Flat Abs Challenge again, but I keep not starting it so I guess my subconscious doesn’t want to bother with it right now.

Beginner’s 2.0 isn’t enough some days. Some videos still kick my butt (or my hips to be more specific) but others are easy now. I was super surprised when I did the Bubble Butt video. I remember how much I moaned and groaned when I’d do that video before in the original Beginner’s Calendar back in November. But now? I turned on some background music and was rockin’ out while meticulously following the video. Afterwards I was prancing around shaking my butt to Meghan Trainor’s All About the Bass.

I wasn’t sore or tired at all. I have no doubt Super Butt would still kill my poor butt but at least I have graduated from Bubble Butt!

However, today’s 6min to Sexy Arms video still kills. I have a feeling it’ll always kill. It works my arms/shoulders so much that I actually have to fight off nausea toward the end because I’m in so much burning pain. It’s a good pain, not a bad one, but there’s just so much of it and I have the strength to continue somewhere in me so I do and then I feel queasy. I had to stop today because I was still digesting breakfast and I felt I was at the point of risking that breakfast. Brief pause and then resumed…about 5 seconds later the video was done. ARGH! If only I had held on for another 5 seconds!