Click on the above picture to buy the PIIT28 program

Click on the above picture to buy the PIIT28 program – $39 – KEEP READING FOR MORE DEALS

Pilates Intense Interval Training

PIIT28 combines pilates moves with cardio moves. The magic is in the intervals. When you go hard then lighter then hard again, your body is constantly changing to adapt and this burns more calories.

1 workout video done 4 times for a total of 28:40 minutes.

That’s it. Just 28 minutes and 40 seconds and you’re done exercising for the whole day.

Keep in mind that you should really be doing the 5-minute warm-up beforehand and the 5-minute stretching/cooldown afterward. They’re both important as they will help increase your flexibility and help you avoid injury.

If you can’t afford the program, there are 5 free PIIT videos on Cassey Ho’s Youtube channel – Blogilates. The setup is the same as with PIIT28 but the moves are different. So if you buy the PIIT28 program, you won’t be getting 5 videos that are already on Youtube for free.


  • 45 sec – cardio move
  • 15 sec – rest
  • 45 – Pilates move
  • 15 sec – rest
  • REPEAT for a total of 7 moves

4 Rounds, 7 Moves Each Round (same 7 moves each round). Done.

For an in-depth description of the PIIT28 fitness program, read my post – It’s the PIITs of March!

For in-depth reviews of each PIIT28 1.0 workout (there are 11 of them), I have multiple posts you can read:

Those posts cover all 11 workouts in PIIT28 1.0. The second half of the month/program will be the same workouts repeated. I have posts on those as well but they aren’t in-depth reviews as I had already done them.

If you go to Instagram, you can type in #PIIT28 and see real and awesome progress pics.

There’s a 28 Day Reset available as well to help people with their dietary habits. I wanted to make a page for it as well, but I failed the meal plan miserably and lasted maybe 3 days before I shoving all sorts of rotten junk in my face. However, my in-depth description of the PIIT28 program also talks about the 28 Day Reset meal plan. It’s not in-depth for the meal plan as I hadn’t bought the 28 Day Reset at the time, but it’s something.

There have been some changes since PIIT28 1.0 was released. The plan’s the same but now there are 2 NEW plans that follow the same lines! Buying 3 individual plans can be a bit daunting for your wallet though so there’s a new Power Pack available!

The PIIT28 Power Pack now includes:

  • PIIT28 1.0
  • PIIT28 2.0
  • PIIT28 3.0

Holy Canoodles, Batman!! So instead of paying $39 for each program and ending up paying $117 total, you pay a flat fee of $79 for all 3 together! Heavy savings right there. I know it’s a big chunk of cash, but you’re saving $38! That’s almost a whole other program!


Click on the above picture to buy the PIIT28 Power Pack – $79

OR! If you don’t have the 28 Day Reset meal plan but you want it as well, you can get the Transformation Pack!

Transformation Pack includes:

  • PIIT28 1.0
  • PIIT28 2.0
  • PIIT28 3.0
  • 28 Day Reset

Now, the meal plan on its own is $69. Ick! Add to that each of the programs (individually) and you’re looking at $186! I think my wallet is sobbing. The good news is that getting it all in the Transformation Pack again saves you lots of money money money.

If you get the Transformation Pack, your total is $99. That’s it. Just $99. You end up saving $87. You’re saving more than that extra meal plan costs! I can’t even believe that. Totally insane. You’re getting 4 programs but you’re not even paying for a full 3 if you had gotten it all individually.

Click the above pic to buy the Transform Pack (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 28 Day Reset) – $99

If you’re vegan and you’re worried the meal plan won’t cover you, don’t worry. We’ve got a vegan meal plan too! You can get the vegan meal plan separate or you can also get it in the Transformation Pack. Same price, same quality, same yumminess.

I’m going to add in one last thing. If you get a Power Pack or a Transformation Pack, you need to start with the 1.0 plan and move up in order. These are super difficult programs. Your body won’t be used to this and we don’t want you injuring yourself right off the bat. Do them in order and let your body grow in muscle as the programs grow in difficulty.

Good luck and happy PIITing!