Monthly Archives: June 2014

Seattle Vacation and July’s Plan

We’ve returned from our “vacation” to Seattle! I’ve given a short account of it, Back From Seattle, on my writing blog.

I had the best of intentions with my exercise. I even took a band along with me for the moves in the Thigh Trimmer and Butt Lifter though there was no way in hell I was going to take dumbbells with me to do Pura Vida. I should’ve had a little more forethought when choosing my upper body routine.

Knowing I’d be too tired Monday night to exercise and I’d spend all afternoon driving, I did my workout in the morning. I got through the cardio and upper/lower body before calling it quits. I planned poorly and had to take a shower and pack for the trip. Just as well because I was pooped! It took me nearly 30 minutes anyway which is what I always aim for so I was happy enough though my core really needs the most work these days.

My legs and butt ended up hurting so much that I had extreme difficulty even sitting on the toilet! It was quite painful. As for running to catch up with my son, forget it. I was constantly calling him back to my side. He got quite fed up with me but I told him mommy was really hurting and he understood and stayed with me as best he could. I also did my best to move as quickly as I could for him. That aching soreness lasted from Monday night till Thursday night. Ugh. It was a blessing when I woke up Friday and could move without wincing. Of course, by that point I did it all again along with the core routine so I started aching all over again.

So here’s a quick recap of what I was supposed to do this last week:


Tone It Up:

I did the extra routine from Tone It Up on Saturday because my arms barely felt worked and my core felt completely neglected. I don’t know how many rounds I’m supposed to do – probably 3 – but I stuck with 1 because my shoulders and forearms were giving me trouble. However, I was happy with how well I was able to perform the ab exercises. I totally rocked them! That’s probably thanks to Blogilates pushing me so hard.

So why didn’t I exercise while I was gone? Because I was in such horrible pain that I could barely sit to pee much less do a squat for any other reason. Also my feet hurt like hell from walking the whole day on Tu and Wed.

I have a vaguer plan for these next 2 weeks. Yes, I said 2 weeks. Although my husband has to stay home, my son and I are going to visit my parents in Colorado.

It’s difficult to exercise there. They’re sedentary people and I love to join in their relaxation when I visit them. It’s super easy to sit back and soak in the calm.

BUT! I do have a plan to combat this addictive laziness!

None of the routines I’ve picked need anything so I have no real excuse not to do them (unless I find I have nowhere to lie down in which case I’ll have to rethink a lot of the moves).

I’ll be going the way of full body routines for the next 2 weeks. Instead of confining myself to only one routine though, I’ll have two in case I get bored and want to switch or in case I want to do them 2 days in a row. These 2 routines look as if they’d be different enough to allow me to do that.

Bikini Bootcamp


Total Body Toning


Because my body isn’t remotely used to the last 2 cardio routines I’ve chosen from Blogilates, I’m going to reuse them, switching them up like with the full body routines.

If I get bored or decide I only want to focus on one part of my body, I’ll choose from these routines:

Stiletto Legs Workout


Sleek and Sexy Arms


Fabulous Flat Abs


No, I won’t be wearing stilettos for that lower body workout. Mainly because I don’t have stilettos. But also because I’d look like an idiot trying to balance in heels that high and it would hurt my knees.

How do you exercise while on vacation? Do you exercise while on vacation?

Fitness Mash-Up

Last week was pure Blogilates magic.

It kicked my a$$.

I chose 4 different routines from

And one day of using Tone It Up’s Excited For Spring cardio routine because I was celebrating my last gym day and wanted to take advantage of the plethora of cardio machines.

There are times my forearms have difficulty with plank-y exercises so I had difficulty with some of the moves in the upper body and core routines. It all started with Downward Dog in Yoga class over a year ago. I don’t know what happened but it happened over time and I’ve had pain in the tendons above the wrist (inner side) ever since. I find ways to modify but they may not be completely safe ways for everyone so I won’t mention them.

This week I’m back to a mash-up between Tone It Up and Blogilates. My problem is that there are so many routines I want to try and I hate waiting to try them. I want to do them all at once! But that would so totally not work. So I choose the routines that I most want to try even if they’re not all from the same site. If you haven’t guessed it, Tone It Up and Blogilates are my favorite fitness sites.

Here’s what I’ll be doing this week:

Cardio: Food Baby HIIT Workout


Lower Body: Thigh Trimmer and Butt Lifter


Upper Body: Pura Vida


Core: Sleek and Slender Abs


This last routine I’ve stuck in because I want some extra arm work. Also the additional core work it has just looks too fun to pass up. I may or may not do the recommended # of sets considering I do have the other arms and core routines.

Extra Upper Body/Core: Love Your Arms & Abs


I need to measure myself. My belly is feeling and looking bigger than usual. Full and solid and fat. I’m thinking it’s my diet but I’m not sure if that’s all it is or if it’s connected to my exercise as well. My decreased cardio I mean, not the routines I’m doing now.

Can beans make someone fatter even if you only eat, like, ¼ cup a day? I’ve finally found a great source of fiber. I’d hate to have to give it up because it’s blowing my gut up. I feel like the Pillsbury Dough Girl.

What’s your favorite food for fiber?

Substituted Cardio

Since yesterday was my last day to go to my old gym, I decided to switch up my scheduled cardio from Blogilates (Fat Melting Routine) to one I found at Tone It Up.


I started with 1 set of No Shy Thighs and then did 2 sets of Spring on a treadmill. Then 1 set of Slim ‘n Sexy Summer Arms and another 2 sets of Spring on the Stairmaster. When that was done I repeated 1 set of Thighs and another set of Summer Arms followed by the final round of cardio – 2 sets of Spring on an elliptical. I topped it all off with 1 set of Corset Workout and ended with 5 minutes of stretching.

The whole thing took about 1 hour and 15 minutes. I wanted to do another set of Corset but I was so pooped I didn’t have it in me. My sides hurt like nobody’s business from the previous few days of doing that workout anyway.


My last day at the gym and I went out with a bang! WOO!

It’s nice having different weekly workouts to do. I’m psyched to exercise every day again. Refreshing! And just in time too – I’ve turned into flubber blubber!


I really want a workout tank like this. Maybe different style and material but same design.

What’s your favorite form of cardio?

Last Week’s Review and This Week’s Plan

Last week was a learning experience. Mainly that I should probably watch the video of whatever workout before I attempt it based on the pictures/description I’m given. I found out halfway through the week that I was doing 2 moves wrong in the Bikini Arms Routine from Tone It Up. But I wasn’t slacking – my mistake was in making them harder than they had to be. No skin off my back I suppose.

The first 2 days of doing the Bikini Ready Abs from Blogilates proved horribly painful and difficult. I also found out (today) that I was doing some moves wrong, but from what I read the real versions are beyond my skills at the moment anyway so that’s fine. From about a month of sitting on my butt madly typing away and neglecting my body, my lower back and core weren’t used to being worked. By the 3rd day, however, my body was adjusting and it hurt less. I started off only being able to accomplish 1 set of the routine…though it called for 3 sets. My back hurt so badly that it was all I could do to stand up straight up. And my scars in my belly felt like they would rip apart.

Not anymore though! I’ve worked up to being able to do all 3 sets though I do need a bit of a break in between each set and more breaks between moves with the 2nd and especially 3rd set. But I can do them!

The same goes for the Malibooty workout (link is for longer version I opted out on) from Tone It Up. It said to do as many sets as possible but that first time I thought my hips and lower back would die so I had to stick with one. Like with the Blogilates workout, I’ve moved up to 3 sets.

My favorite workout was Bikini Arms Routine from Tone It Up. I have a love/hate relationship with my jelly belly so sometimes I love the core work and sometimes I despise it.

I wasn’t able to do the upper/lower body routines many times though so I don’t feel as if I’ve really made much progress with them. In the case of my legs, my body just remembered what it used to be able to do and adjusted faster. I’m wondering if perhaps I should do the moves every day with a break once a week. Use light weights with the arms and the legs are all body weight moves…I hesitate to say it but I think it’s safe to do that kind of stuff every day. That’s what I had to do with Jillian Michaels anyway.

As for the cardio – One-Room Cardio from Back On Pointe – it was too easy. My heart rate didn’t get up very high and the intensity of the routine would sink back down before I was really tired. It went quickly which is a plus for me but it was dull.

This week’s plan is brought to us by Blogilates! Yes, I’m taking everything from her this week, no mash-up this time.

Cardio: Fat Melting Routine


Lower Body: No Shy Thighs


Upper Body: Slim ‘n Sexy Summer Arms


Core: Corset Workout


And, yes, I will watch the videos and read the directions for these routines before I attempt them.

What would you do? Do the upper/lower body workouts every day or leave a day of rest in between?

To Keep the Gym Membership or Not

Well! My MS work is all done so now I get to refocus on my Blubbery Butt and my Jello Jiggle.

I’m up three pounds but it could have been a lot worse.

A lot worse.

My gym isn’t holding sway over me the way it used to. It’s difficult to make myself go. It doesn’t seem as welcoming as it used to. Maybe it’s because my son doesn’t go with me and I don’t see my friends there anymore.

I don’t even have my Zumba class there anymore because the teacher is on leave and I don’t care for the sub’s style. I’ve been on the verge of canceling my membership and trying somewhere else or doing my own thing at home but I can’t decide.

Honestly, I have negative feelings toward my gym now though not because it’s a bad gym or anything. There’s nothing wrong with the place. I just have some personal problems with it now. But my son will be out of school soon and the other places I’m looking at don’t have childcare. He loves this gym’s childcare and usually asks at least once a week to go there again.

It would be good to keep the membership and take him every day again so he can keep up with his social skills. Of course then we’d be spending $ every day for the childcare. I’m tempted to chuck it and instead take him swimming and on walks and to playgrounds every day instead.

I like that idea actually. Nix the membership and take him to the park every day to ride his bike etc. It’s not like I don’t know how to exercise on my own. Then when school starts up in the Fall I can look into other gyms. I was leaning toward Anytime Fitness or 24-Hour Fitness because they’re everywhere. I’d have to say goodbye to Zumba class but it’s a price I’m willing to pay because I can always borrow Zumba dvds from the library.


I’ll get out there and do that Monday if I remember. “If” being the operative word.

After that I’ll do things on my own. I’ll find something new to try every week.

Cardio from Back on Pointe:


Upper body work from Tone It Up (forwarning – it’s long but not complicated):


Lower body work from Tone It Up:


Core work from Blogilates:


Cardio and core will be daily while upper body and lower body will be on alternating days. Looks fun!

Do you work best with a gym or without?


What 5k for Colombia Taught and Reminded Me

I went to the run for fun and to support my husband’s church. It was more professional than I thought though I later found the course length wasn’t accurate.


I was wrong about a number of things that day.

  • Don’t judge a person by their appearance
  • Drink a butt load of water on hot days
  • Take it easy on hot days
  • Be prepared for the tinkles if you’re a woman who’s given birth at any time in her life and has drunk said water
  • Stash chapstick in that hidden pocket in your clothes if the day is hot
  • 4pm on any given day in June (even early June) can be too hot to run


It was a perfect summer day complete with the sun being strong enough to bake your bones. The backs of my legs felt like my face when I open the oven after baking a dish for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. And that was just standing with my back to the sun.

Luckily running creates your own personal breeze so I never felt too uncomfortably hot. My mouth was dry except for sticky mucus and my lips felt shriveled. My skin was covered with a nasty coating of salt. I was sweating but not much. When I looked in the restroom mirror about 2-3 minutes after I crossed the finish line (had to walk a little ways to get there), I didn’t look sweaty; I looked baked.

Lessons Learned: Drink water and take it easy on hot days; stash chapstick on person; early early morning is better for running in June than 4pm.

Like always, I picked up speed when I neared the finish line aaaaaand was passed literally 1 second before crossing the line.

The look on my face made everyone laugh and shout out “OOOOH!” They felt my pain.

No worries. I felt no pain. When I had safely crossed I was laughing. I recognized the lady as someone whom I had occasionally played leapfrog with since the start of the race. She came up to me afterwards and apologized (while laughing). Her son had slowed her down at times and she had been using me as her goal for the last mile or so. She had been determined to get ahead of me before the end of the race. And boy was she bookin’ it to meet that goal. I’m sure my increased speed at the very end didn’t make her too happy. She was sprinting.

My time: 29:04

This 5k time is false as the course was .5 miles short of a full 5k. However, my speed was constant so had it been correct, I would’ve finished close to 34 minutes which is back to my pre-winter speed. Yay!

Lastly, I’m ashamed to admit that I judged a fellow runner based on her appearance. This was a humbling lesson to relearn.


I took one look at her large hips/butt and thought she would be a slow walker huffing and puffing long before the race was finished.

Not once did she walk. Not once did she slow down. This woman was ahead of me the entire race. I even lost sight of her when I stopped for my son in the last mile.

I made an epic fail and judged her. I am ashamed that I did this but I welcome the shame because it’s put me back in my place and re-opened my eyes.

She did an awesome job and deserves respect.

look awesome be awesome

Lesson Learned: Don’t judge others on their appearance.

Those are my lessons. But I have one last thing to touch on. My son. He’ll be turning 5 years old July 3rd and has wanted to be race with mommy for the last 1-2 years. I didn’t sign him up because I knew, even on a bike, he wouldn’t make it through the whole race. My husband took charge of him and they biked along the course on their own.

Almost 10 minutes after I crossed the finish line, I saw my son pedaling his little heart out (he managed 2 miles!). I thought he’d stick to the pavement but he veered off toward the finish line. Everyone cheered him on. When his bike got stuck in the grass he jumped off and ran, crossing the finish line to loud cheering and a huge hug and congratulations from his mom. I gave him the cold water provided for the runners and told him it was “racer’s water.” He was so excited.


I also got a water bottle to commemorate my participation.


Do you run for fun or to compete? If you compete, do you compete against others or yourself?

5k Run for Colombia

Today’s the day for the charity run!


It’s not too late to register. You can bring friends and family and sign up just before the run at Walla Walla Point Park.


I’m not running for time this…time. Just for fun. My brain and emotions have been seriously addled this last week so I’m just trying to enjoy life. Enjoy each day as it comes.


It’s a beautiful day! I hope to see lots of people joining the run even if they’re walking instead of running.

OMG! I’ve just spent the last 10 minutes surfing through Pinterest “funny” photos. The people around me probably think I’m nuts but I know I’m prolonging my life with a good laugh. Woo!

Here’s a good laugh for those who need it:

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What do you do when life gives you lemons?