Starting in August…

It’s a little early for me to be posting again but I wanted to announce things starting in August.

PIIT28 1.0

Yep! I’ll be starting another round of PIIT28! I’ve been doing strength training but no cardio and that totally shows whenever I do even the slightest cardio. Huffing and puffing all over the place. I’ve always been a huffer and puffer – it doesn’t say much about how long or hard I can go – but I need to be able to talk in class so my students can understand me sooooo…I need to retrain my cardio side.

This is a month-long challenge. Whoever wants to join me, come on and join! It’s fun! If you’d like more information on what PIIT28 is, read my PIIT28 1.0 page. All in the info you need is all right there. Links to free PIIT workouts on YouTube (though not part of the PIIT28 program), my own personal reviews on all the workouts in the 1.0 program, links to buy the program if you don’t already have it, etc.


That brings me to the next point…

POP Pilates Classes

That’s right! I’ll be teaching 2 POP Pilates classes every week of August at my local YMCA…minus the 1st week because the building is closed for annual maintenance. Starting August 9th, every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:15-12:45, I’ll be teaching a 30-minute POP Pilates Express class. Classes will be held in the Aerobics Room in the YMCA’s 18th St building. These classes will be held in Hastings, NE.

POP August Classes

And last but not least…

#adorethecore IG Challenge

Cassey Ho is hosting an IG challenge starting August 1st. It’s called #adorethecore and will feature daily moves to work your core. Unlike most IG challenges, you’re not going to be doing a move and freezing for a picture. If you want to pose a picture, do your freeze thing and go for it, but make sure to do the full move as well to work that core. While a winner will be chosen and a gift will be given to said winner from POPFlex, the real goal of this IG challenge is to gain a stronger core.

Visit Cassey’s IG account, @blogilates, for the rules or click on the picture below to go straight to her post on it.


For more information on how to do this challenge (and each move), read Cassey’s blog post on it – 28 Day Ab Challenge.

Hope to see people participating! Good luck this month!

About Katie St. John-Shin

I believe in living life and not letting it pass you by. I mean, come on, if you really want to do something but don't have the courage to do it so you let the opportunity disappear, you may regret it for the rest of your life. How can you know what you're capable of unless you go for it? Like every writer, I naturally plan on becoming world-famous (not really). I love reading, writing, fitness, coffee, watching my favorite movies/shows, listening to music, and trying new things even if they're sometimes terrifying. I'm a writer, a group fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and a nutter for doing all of the above.

Posted on July 28, 2016, in Fitness, Personal, PIIT28, POP Pilates and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Doing the challenge as well 😊

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