Last Week’s Review and This Week’s Plan

Last week was a learning experience. Mainly that I should probably watch the video of whatever workout before I attempt it based on the pictures/description I’m given. I found out halfway through the week that I was doing 2 moves wrong in the Bikini Arms Routine from Tone It Up. But I wasn’t slacking – my mistake was in making them harder than they had to be. No skin off my back I suppose.

The first 2 days of doing the Bikini Ready Abs from Blogilates proved horribly painful and difficult. I also found out (today) that I was doing some moves wrong, but from what I read the real versions are beyond my skills at the moment anyway so that’s fine. From about a month of sitting on my butt madly typing away and neglecting my body, my lower back and core weren’t used to being worked. By the 3rd day, however, my body was adjusting and it hurt less. I started off only being able to accomplish 1 set of the routine…though it called for 3 sets. My back hurt so badly that it was all I could do to stand up straight up. And my scars in my belly felt like they would rip apart.

Not anymore though! I’ve worked up to being able to do all 3 sets though I do need a bit of a break in between each set and more breaks between moves with the 2nd and especially 3rd set. But I can do them!

The same goes for the Malibooty workout (link is for longer version I opted out on) from Tone It Up. It said to do as many sets as possible but that first time I thought my hips and lower back would die so I had to stick with one. Like with the Blogilates workout, I’ve moved up to 3 sets.

My favorite workout was Bikini Arms Routine from Tone It Up. I have a love/hate relationship with my jelly belly so sometimes I love the core work and sometimes I despise it.

I wasn’t able to do the upper/lower body routines many times though so I don’t feel as if I’ve really made much progress with them. In the case of my legs, my body just remembered what it used to be able to do and adjusted faster. I’m wondering if perhaps I should do the moves every day with a break once a week. Use light weights with the arms and the legs are all body weight moves…I hesitate to say it but I think it’s safe to do that kind of stuff every day. That’s what I had to do with Jillian Michaels anyway.

As for the cardio – One-Room Cardio from Back On Pointe – it was too easy. My heart rate didn’t get up very high and the intensity of the routine would sink back down before I was really tired. It went quickly which is a plus for me but it was dull.

This week’s plan is brought to us by Blogilates! Yes, I’m taking everything from her this week, no mash-up this time.

Cardio: Fat Melting Routine


Lower Body: No Shy Thighs


Upper Body: Slim ‘n Sexy Summer Arms


Core: Corset Workout


And, yes, I will watch the videos and read the directions for these routines before I attempt them.

What would you do? Do the upper/lower body workouts every day or leave a day of rest in between?

About Katie St. John-Shin

I believe in living life and not letting it pass you by. I mean, come on, if you really want to do something but don't have the courage to do it so you let the opportunity disappear, you may regret it for the rest of your life. How can you know what you're capable of unless you go for it? Like every writer, I naturally plan on becoming world-famous (not really). I love reading, writing, fitness, coffee, watching my favorite movies/shows, listening to music, and trying new things even if they're sometimes terrifying. I'm a writer, a group fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and a nutter for doing all of the above.

Posted on June 15, 2014, in Fitness, Personal and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I love Blogilates!

    I’ve just finished the fourth week of a 6 week challenge if you fancied checking it out?

    • Thanks! I’ll take a look at it!

      I just finished doing all the routines I chose for this week. Yeah, I only managed to get through all of them once. haha! But it was still 30 minutes and I got a great workout so I’m good. I may rethink doing them all together the rest of the week though. haha

      Cassey Ho rocks! I loved watching her videos and I so want to get her DVD. She’s so much fun!

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