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Size Doesn’t Matter + #MayYouShine

All the time on YouTube I see super flexible people who have, like, 5% body fat and whose bones are made of cooked noodles. Muscle and skeleton and they do these amazing yoga poses etc. I’d look at myself and think I would never be able to do those things because I’m way fatter. As most of you know, I’m overweight. Nowhere near 20% body fat much less 5%.

When I was in high school, our flexibility was measured in PE class and I couldn’t touch my toes. I always said it was because my big belly was in the way. I thought I was too fat to be flexible and I continued to think that well into adulthood. I found out how wrong I was later on when I started physical activities that forced me to stretch a lot. Soon enough I was able to touch my toes…despite my belly.

Size doesn’t matter.

You can do yoga no matter what size you are. I’ve learned this from the numerous people I follow on IG. Some people look perfect, it’s true, but a lot of others don’t. They don’t have perfect bodies. They don’t have an hourglass figure, they don’t have six-pack abs. They have rolls, they have big butts, they have fat. Like me. Like many people.

And they ROCK their yoga poses!

Here are some examples of people I know on IG who aren’t perfect and totally own it.



Do you see this woman’s flexibility?? HOLY COW!! I couldn’t touch my toes in high school and I said it was because of my big belly. I don’t think my excuse holds anymore, not when I see this lovely lady touching her toes…with one leg bent over her extended leg! Totally increases difficulty and look at those fingers wrapped around her foot! It would be silly to say she doesn’t have a belly. She has a belly and she’s ROCKING it! She is NOT too fat for anything! I love her confidence, strength, and dedication. You are AWESOME, Shiann!


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Dorotea is pear-shaped with her lower body being larger than her upper. Has this stood in her way? Pfft. Yeah right. She’s one of the people who really got me into yoga and to be happy in my skin. I’d look at her IG pictures and read her posts and I’d be blown away by her flexibility and confidence, by her positive messages. I’ve tried these poses and they are HARD! There’s no denying Dorotea has a big booty and thighs. She even comments that it makes lower body pretzling difficult. And yet, despite the difficulty, she’s a pretzel. Look at her own those leggings and those poses! Big booty? Who cares! More to love. Pretzel time!


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Maruska’s another lovely lady who doesn’t have a “perfect” body. According to her story, she’s always had extra weight. All I see is her smile and her hard work. She’s healthy and confident and strong. And really bendy! Look at that top pose! I don’t even know what it’s called but I so want to try it. She’s also a POP Pilates instructor-in-training. I’m not sure if she’s finished her demo video yet (she was really close last I saw), but you should look her up and find out. Give her encouragement to help her finish!

I am loving these ladies’ confident, bring-it camera poses. Their strength and positivity is invigorating and inspiring. By being themselves they’ve inspired and motivated me to be happy with myself and to not let anything get in my way if I want something enough.

Their flexibility, like all things, didn’t come overnight. They worked hard for their abilities and they continue to work hard to improve what they’ve gained.

Shiann, Dorotea, and Maruska glow in their happiness and they prove that you don’t have to look or be perfect to do incredible things. They’re not yogi models. They’re average (not mediocre) women who are just like me and just like you. That’s what makes them so motivating for me. They have imperfections and they embrace those imperfections. I love that.

To me, they are perfect.

These pictures don’t even come close to showing what they can do with their bodies. Go check out their IG accounts to see more.

No one is too fat for yoga. If you want to do it but you think you can’t because you’re too large or too weak, do it anyway. Try a pose. If you can’t do it, modify it and remember to stretch daily (or whenever you remember at least). Eventually, you will be able to do it. Start off small and work your way up.

Believe in yourself and there’s no telling what you’ll be able to accomplish.

#MayYouShine is the IG yoga challenge I invited my friend to join. It starts May 1st and runs till May 21st. If you’d like to try it, here’s a link to one of the hosts’ IG accounts so you can get the full details…

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If you’re still unsure of your capabilities, I promise to give variations for every move. My IG name is @kstjshin. Come shine with me!